2 locations at the same time

well,this is crazy situation...so I was at my family's summer house 60 miles away from my ex's home and I went to find a bank cause I had no cash, I use location to find any atm nearby and it appears my location is my ex gf home 60 miles away with map fully loaded with traffic details also, so I update clear cache memory the same after 1 hour or 2, so everytime I try to find my location i was at her house and then my summer house, so I changed password, still the same for some time but in morning i restarted my phone It loaded her house as a previous location, and then this 2 location thing stopped, she has not read my mail since activity showed nothing...she has rooted phone, mine's not she is a an IT student and she studies about android development.anyway if anyone knows something pls help. she happens also to have my mail,Am I hacked? this situation has ever happened to anyone jumping between two locations? *LAST TIME I WAS THERE MOOONTHS AGO


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